Singaporean Woman Offers RM6,640 Reward for Matchmaker Who Finds Her True Love

Tired of the unpredictable nature of modern dating, a Singapore-based wellness entrepreneur has taken an unconventional approach to finding love—offering a SGD2,000 (approximately RM6,640) reward to anyone who successfully introduces her to her future partner.

Bella Dai, 29, believes her friends are better matchmakers than dating apps, citing the inconsistent intentions of online daters. “None of my friends use dating apps because the intent of people on those platforms is very unpredictable,” she told The Straits Times.

Last month, Dai took to Instagram to outline the qualities she seeks in a partner, hoping her social circle could help her find a match. Her ideal partner must:

  1. Be a straight male, aged 25-42

  2. Reside in Singapore

  3. Have mastery in his craft, demonstrating focus and discipline

  4. Prioritise wellness and fitness

  5. Be open to deep and meaningful conversations

  6. Show an interest in spirituality or religion as a tool for self-development

The reward will only be granted if Dai remains in a committed relationship with the match for at least six months.

singaporean woman offers rm6,640 reward for matchmaker who finds her true love

Originally from Chengdu, Dai moved to Singapore at the age of 15 and is now a permanent resident. She believes the financial incentive strikes the right balance—significant enough to encourage genuine efforts from her friends while deterring opportunists.

Since launching her matchmaking ‘campaign’, Dai has received five referrals and has already gone on a few dates. Confident in her approach, she views it as a way to minimise the risk of ghosting and ensure compatibility. “You don’t have to worry about being ghosted because you know they wouldn’t do that to a friend’s friend,” explained the former industrial designer.

While it remains to be seen if this method will lead her to love, Dai remains optimistic that her social network will succeed where dating apps have failed.