Teacher and Parents Band Together to Provide Extra Fans, Donated Bookshelves, and Curtains for Students' Comfort

A teacher’s dedication to his students went beyond textbooks and lessons when he took it upon himself to improve their classroom’s comfort.

teacher and parents band together to provide extra fans, donated bookshelves, and curtains for students' comfortPhoto via Threads (@amirulhakimiali)

Amirul, a teacher at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Desa Pandan in Kuala Lumpur, shared a video online showcasing his efforts to install an extra power socket to accommodate additional standing fans. The fans, generously donated by parents, were added to help students cope with the sweltering heat.

With 45 students in his classroom, Amirul explained that only those seated in the middle could feel the airflow from the ceiling fans, leaving others struggling in the heat. Thanks to the donations, four standing fans were placed around the room to ensure a more comfortable learning environment.

Beyond the fans, parents also contributed table wrappers, bookshelves, and curtains to enhance the classroom’s atmosphere, "Thank you to the parents who donated 45 table wrappers, four standing fans, six bookshelves, and curtains. Hopefully, the children will now be even more eager to learn," Amirul wrote.

The video gained widespread attention, with many commending Amirul and the parents for their efforts in creating a better learning space.

However, some were taken aback by the number of students in the classroom, expressing concern over the crowded conditions. Responding to one such comment, Amirul revealed that the class size had actually decreased from last year’s 50 students.

"45 students is a lot… I hope teachers managing such large classes are blessed with strength and patience. My child’s school also raised funds to buy more fans, as the existing ones barely circulate air in this heat," one user commented.

While large class sizes remain a challenge, Amirul’s initiative and the parents’ generosity demonstrate how collective effort can make a real difference in students’ learning experiences.