A video of a man shooting a mother dog and its five puppies with a hunting rifle made its rounds on social media yet again, and this time, it allegedly happened in Terengganu.
Photo via Twitter (@melayu_baru)
The caption reads: “1 mother, 5 puppies, settled. Apparently, there were five puppies. Not just three. And no, we are not shooting them for fun, they are on our porch.”
One person replied in the comment section saying: “Heartless, I don’t know what year we’re living in, but dogs and cats rescue organizations are considerably big in our country. Call them if those stray animals are disturbing you.”
While another person simply said, “How can one be so heartless.”
Animal abuse is not something new in Malaysia - recently, Persatuan Haiwan Terbiar Malaysia (SAFM) was on the lookout for an old man that was caught on camera shooting a stray dog.
Siapa beri kuasa kepada pak cik untuk menembak anjing terbiar?? Persatuan Haiwan Terbiar Malaysia SAFM menerima satu video di mana seorang lelaki menembak anjing dengan senapang. Sungguh kejam dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. Lokasi masih di siasat. Anjing yang menjadi sasaran penembak dipercayai telah terkena tembakan kerana raungannya jelas kedengaran melalui rakaman video itu. Sama ada anjing tersebut sedang merana dalam kesakitan ataupun sudah terkorban masih menjadi satu tanda tanya. Persatuan Haiwan Terbiar Malaysia SAFM meminta kerjasama saksi yang mempunyai maklumat sahih tentang kejadian ini atau kenal pelaku untuk menghubungi Persatuan Haiwan Terbiar Malaysia SAFM di 016 266 2007 (Whatsapp sahaja). Identiti saksi akan dilindungi. Tolong tampil ke hadapan dan bantu kami untuk menangkap pelaku kejam ini. Jika berjaya didakwa, hukuman berat menanti pelaku di bawah Akta Kebajikan Haiwan 2015 Seksyen 30 iaitu denda maksima RM100,000 atau hukuman penjara tidak melebihi 3 tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali. Tolong viral-kan post ini untuk sama-sama kita menyebarkan kesedaran tentang kezaliman tidak perkemanusian. #SAFM #dog #cats #malaysiaanimals #strayfeeding #stopanimalabuse #stopanimalcruelty #anjing #kucing #dvs #perhilitan #animals #wildlife #strayanimals #animalcrueltymalaysia #saveouranimals #animallaw #animalmalaysia #feedthestray #animalvoice #animalfeeder #aktakebajikanhaiwan2015 #viral #aktapemuliharaanhidupanliar2010
Posted by Persatuan Haiwan Terbiar Malaysia - SAFM on Monday, November 23, 2020
They wrote: “Who gave this man the authority to shoot stray dogs? This is very cruel and inhumane.”
In the video, the man can be seen shooting at the dog from his house, causing the dog to continuously yelp in pain. A woman's voice is then heard in the background saying, “Only got the leg.”
According to the Animal Welfare Act 2015, the shooting of animals is clearly illegal, as it states that no person shall kill by way of shooting with firearms any animal unless it is authorized by the veterinary authority during an emergency or for the purposes of disease control.
The SAFM is now looking for witnesses willing to share information on the suspect and vowed to keep the identity of the witnesses anonymous.

If the man is convicted under the Animal Welfare Act 2015, he could face a fine of a maximum of RM100,000 or a jail term of not more than 10 years.
These cruel actions shouldn’t be tolerated and we hope that the authorities will look into this matter.
By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat