M’sian Uni Student Rescues Cat and Her Two Kittens from Near Drowning in Drain During Rainstorm

Amidst the hustle of her university day, Teha, a Malaysian video creator, stumbled upon a heart-stirring scene that would change her afternoon's course…

m’sian uni student rescues cat and her two kittens from near drowning in drain during rainstormPhoto via TikTok (@tehania_)

As she made her way to the bus stop, a chorus of desperate meows echoed from a nearby drain, catching her attention. Peering down, Teha spotted a mother cat and her two kittens, trapped by rising waters, their plight amplified by the relentless rain.

Without hesitation, Teha chronicled the unfolding drama on her TikTok page, @tehania_. She watched as the mother cat valiantly called out, a plea for help to save her stranded kittens. Drawing the attention of nearby strangers, Teha asked for help, and two brave souls went into the drain to save the scared little kittens.

Yet, amidst the chaos, the mother cat managed to flee, leaving her vulnerable kittens behind, which is when Teha decided to take the kittens under her wing, with the help of a friend who got some food to feed the shivering, frightened kittens. 

"They were trembling! Who knows how long they were in that drain. We thought about what to do next, even considering taking them home. But their mother had run away," Teha recounted in a caption overlaying her video.

For hours, Teha waited, determined to see the kittens safely reunited with their mother. Then, Teha's friend spotted a familiar figure near a nearby shop lot—a potential sign of the mother cat…

Teha then slowly approached it with the kittens, and to their relief, the mother cat recognised her babies. Teha and her friend then escorted the cats to their hidden home behind a store.

"We finally caught the bus home at 4 pm, arriving at 7:21 pm. But for the sake of saving those cats, every moment was worth it!" Teha concluded, a testament to her unwavering commitment to kindness.

Teha's selfless act touched the hearts of many, inspiring a flood of praise and gratitude in the comments.

"May your kindness be repaid a hundredfold. You were truly angels sent to help them," one user remarked.

@tehania_ Inilah kisah yang berlaku semalam.. 7/3/2024 mencipta satu kenangan dalam hidup kami. Dulu kan teha pernah doa yang teha teringin sangat nak bantu kucing yang jatuh longkang supaya teha boleh bawa dia balik rumah bela.. Alhamdulillah akhirnya semalam teha dapat tapi.. teha tak jadi bawa balik rumah bela sebab kucing tu ada Mak tak kan nak pisahkan dia dengan Mak sendiri (tapi tulah mak dia g lari tu memang menguji kesabaran 😂) Nak tak nak kami semua tunggu sebentar dekat 2 Jam dan 2 bas dah tertinggal hahah. Alhamdulillah asbab daripada menunggu, Mak dia datang berkeliaran ke tempat yang kami tunggu dan akhirnya Dia pun pulang ke pangkuan ibu dia ceh hahah.. Dia kucing Jantan, Manja pulak tu kita hulurkan tangan dia tangkap tangan kita 😂 Mata dia sumpah lawa ! 😭. Tapi tulah mak dia masih ada.. maybe if mak dia tak datang-datang kita bawak balik je la kot kita dah ada nama untuk dia, kita bagi nama dia LUKI. Bye Luki moga dapat jumpa lagi 🥰 HAHAH apanii 😭 #kucing #pecintakucing #fyp ♬ Hasrat (OST Imaginur) - Amir Jahari

Thank you for saving the kittens, Teha!