iPad Left Overnight in Japan? No Problem! M’sian Woman Finds It Exactly Where She Forgot It

A Malaysian woman was left speechless when she discovered her iPad sitting exactly where she had left it after accidentally abandoning it overnight at a restaurant in Japan.

ipad left overnight in japan? no problem! m’sian woman finds it exactly where she forgot itPhoto via TikTok (@_intanizzaty)

Intan took to TikTok to share her remarkable experience, admitting that she was on the verge of tears when she realised she had left her device behind after returning to her hotel late at night, “It was already 10.30pm, and the restaurant was closed. 

“I couldn’t even give them a call,” she said, feeling a mix of panic and helplessness.

With no other option, Intan had to wait until the next morning to retrieve her iPad. As she approached the halal ramen restaurant, her heart raced with anxiety.

To her astonishment, she and her husband spotted the iPad sitting atop a signboard outside the restaurant—completely untouched.

What made the situation even more surprising was that Intan didn’t initially remember leaving it there. She had assumed it was inside the restaurant and had braced herself for disappointment.

She couldn’t help but praise the “power of Japan,” where respect for others' belongings is deeply ingrained in the culture. The fact that the iPad was not even password-protected and remained untouched for nearly 12 hours showcased the integrity of the locals.

@_intanizzaty Ya Allah punyalah safety dekat JAPAN ni. sebab tu setiap tahun tak pernah skip travel dekat JAPAN. Cuma trip kalini ada 2kisah (tertinggal ipad & beg) & alhamdulillah jumpa. I sangat risau orang ambik sebab kedai ni memang ramai orang beratur nak makan. Orang japan ni punya tahap buat hal sendiri sampai nampak ipad tertinggal pun diroang tak ambil sebab bukan milik diorang. #fyp #fypage #sadstory #ipad #japan #osaka #osakajapan ♬ kembali pulang suara kayu piano - Lyn 🤍

The story resonated with many netizens, who shared their own experiences of Japan’s incredible honesty.

One commenter joked that the only thing that ever disappears in Japan is umbrellas.

Another shared a jaw-dropping story of accidentally leaving 1 million yen (around RM29,000) in a taxi, only to find the driver waiting at their hotel lobby to return the envelope. While, another recounted leaving a bag at a ticket counter in Tokyo and finding it in the exact same spot the next day.

Intan’s experience is a testament to the deep-rooted Japanese culture of leaving things alone and respecting other people's belongings—something that never fails to amaze visitors from all over the world.