Kind Uncles In Sarawak Give CNY Ang Pows To Strangers In Need

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world topsy-turvy, but for Malaysians, there is so much to be thankful for!

For one, Malaysians are very kind and we always like to help each other through the travails we have to face. 

Recently, several uncles in Kuching, Sarawak, went on to spread the Chinese New Year cheer over the weekend by giving out ang pows to those in need. 

The video shared by Mahathir (@madernm) recently caught the attention of netizens and has been viewed over 126,000 times. 

The caption reads: “I just saw a group of Chinese Pakciks giving out ang pow and food to a blind Makcik selling tissues in front of a store. This Chinese New Year today. May God bless you, Pakciks.”

Many in the comments section praised the Uncles for their kindness and said that their action is what being a Malaysian is all about.

kind uncles in sarawak give cny ang pows to strangers in need

kind uncles in sarawak give cny ang pows to strangers in need

kind uncles in sarawak give cny ang pows to strangers in need

kind uncles in sarawak give cny ang pows to strangers in need

Bless their hearts!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat