Compassion and empathy is something you would think most people have and practice. It is the most basic thing about being a person, particularly as compassionate leave is optional but most companies provide it anyway (imagine forcing a grieving staff in to work!).
Yesterday, netizens ran amok over an insensitive employer who showed no compassion towards an employee who just passed away. In a screenshot posted on Twitter, we see a cold response from the “boss” saying he is sorry to hear that but requested that a replacement interview be set up ASAP. He added that he didn’t want an excuse for any pending documents.
The Twitter user who put it up also had an accompanying caption saying that his brother had once told him that you can work how hard you want and nobody will take a second look. When you die, they will simply replace you.
Unfortunately, it is the harsh reality of the working world. Many people care more about money and workers than the wellbeing of their employees. While we can scream till we are blue in the face, the facts are there - bosses aren’t obligated to treat you a certain way. Workers are humans too, not just figures that make up a company, and the least employers could do is to see them as such. Understanding and empathy is what makes us human, after all.
Have you had bosses like that too?
By: Celestine Foo