Abang Bomba Releases Monkey Back into Forest, but It Refuses to Leave His Side, Stealing Netizens' Hearts!

The significance of the term "wild animal" often underscores the potential risks associated with interacting with creatures in their natural habitat. 

However, heartwarming instances occasionally emerge, challenging conventional perceptions and revealing the capacity for gratitude and affection within the animal kingdom.

abang bomba releases monkey back into forest, but it refuses to leave his side, stealing netizens' hearts!Photo via TikTok (@pjesingo2)

Mohd Faizan, a firefighter and TikTok creator, recently documented one of these touching moments during the release of a wild monkey back into the forest. Based at the Kijal Fire and Rescue Station in Terengganu, Faizan shared the heartwarming encounter on his TikTok account @pjesingo2.

In the video, set against a backdrop of lush greenery, Faizan gently attempts to release the monkey onto the ground. Surprisingly, the monkey chooses to stay close, exhibiting playful behavior by climbing onto Faizan's back. 

Despite the firefighter's efforts to lower the monkey to the ground, it remains perched on his shoulder, showcasing a sense of comfort and contentment.

This endearing interaction caught the attention of viewers on the platform, with some users suggesting a visible bond between Faizan and the monkey, expressing a desire to adopt the animal. 

One user playfully commented, "He knows he's being left there, that's why he's holding on, so he can follow you. If it was me, I'd just keep him and take him home."

@pjesingo2 #abambomba #tangkapmonyet ♬ Malampagi - Saixse

Amidst the playful remarks, many users commended Faizan for his gentle approach to handling the untamed creature, recognizing the evident affection displayed by the monkey. 

This heartening encounter serves as a testament to the lasting connections that can be forged through kindness, offering a glimpse into the remarkable capacity for gratitude and remembrance within the animal world.