20-Month Old Toddler Entered The Malaysia Book Of Records For His Impressive Vocabulary!

This is impressive! 

A 20-month-old boy from Sungai Buloh, Selangor, last month earned a place in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBR) with not one, but two titles, for his expressive vocabulary.

20-month old toddler entered the malaysia book of records for his impressive vocabulary!Photo via Astro Ulagam

According to Astro Ulagam, Kaarthikeya was recognized for being the youngest to speak expressive vocabulary (more than 300 words), and having the most number of expressive vocabulary in five minutes by a toddler for which he identified 77 flashcards in the given time.


The Ministry of Health has stated the standard development milestone for an 18-months-old toddler should be able to speak between one and six meaningful words - a far cry from Kaarthikeya’s impressive 300 words.

His mother, Dr. Kanageswary Sockalingam said her son was awarded the youngest to speak expressive vocabulary title on September 11th, after she sent a video of him speaking the 300 expressive vocabularies to the MBR on August 19th.

Speaking to Astro Ulagam, Kanageswary acknowledges the challenges that she and her husband face to understand her son’s needs as they were first time parents, however, they spent ample time speaking with him, describing every single activity that they were doing.

20-month old toddler entered the malaysia book of records for his impressive vocabulary!Photo via Astro Ulagam

“Slowly, he understood instructions and could express his needs in words.

“Our utmost priority is to raise him to be a happy child with good moral values. So, we try to teach him everything in a fun and interesting way. To him, he’s just playing and having fun, but in reality, he is gaining valuable knowledge,” she said. 

To date, baby Kaarthi owns more than 200 books and can even sing a few nursery rhymes with proper lyrics and speak in full sentences. 

Congratulations little baby Kaarthi for such a great achievement! Can’t wait to see what record he’ll be breaking next!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat