Photo via BebasNews
If you’re thinking about running a stall and just selling something on a small scale, now you can!
Starting November 15th, you’ll be allowed to literally set up shop at just about any suitable area in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya And Labuan.
Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa said however, traders would need to apply for a valid six-month temporary business license on the Kuala Lumpur City Hall DBKL website, which is offered free of charge.
“Kuala Lumpur will become a free trading area from November 15th. Anybody who wants to conduct business, regardless of whether it is full time or part-time, can pick a suitable site in front of their houses, or by the road of a housing area.
“Until April 15th next year, just before Ramadan, everyone can do business, as long as they follow the written guidelines that will be released by all three federal territory authorities,” he said.
The decision was made in order to make it easier for Malaysians to make a living over the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), especially those whose businesses were hampered by the coronavirus pandemic.
You’ll be allowed to sell anything, provided you first contact your relevant local authorities and inform them about the details of your business.
“We still need to give them licences because we want to keep a record of all the traders. We need their data for the long term. This is on the condition that their business does not result in any complaints from the public,” he added.
Let’s support those who will be making use of this new ruling! We’re all in this together!
by Kyle Roshen Jacob