Most of us have been working from home since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented in March, and we’re expecting A LOT of dust when we return back to the office.
But that’s just not the case for workers who work at shopping malls, after returning prior to leaving their stores closed for over 50 days.
One person shared on their Facebook page, of the situation inside a shopping mall said to be in Sabah, where employees found mold growing all over their leather goods including bags, belts, wallets, and shoes.
The items were all covered in disgusting layers of mold which completely ruined the leather goods, which were not cheap either!
One of the bags had its price tag on and it showed that the bag cost RM679! How awful!
According to The Star, shopping mall sales assistant, Saw said the leather products with mold growing on them could be easily wiped off with baby oil or furniture polish.
“During the two months of closure, there may be fluctuation in the temperature of the air conditioning at the mall. The air may be more humid, and since it has been raining, the air may be moist.”

Photo via Facebook (Chong Andy)
Meanwhile, several other photos on social media showed fuzzy white mold covering all the seats in a cinema, which allegedly happened in Ipoh, Perak.
As reported by the China Press, due to the humid atmosphere, and there is no proper air circulation in any of these shopping malls (because the A/C has been turned off for months) could have caused these molds to grow on the items and cinema seats!
Now that the MCO has been relaxed and people are visiting shopping malls again, we hope that the store managers take this seriously as long exposure to molds can cause respiratory problems and can also cause irritation to the eyes, nose, skin, throat, and lungs.
We hope that everyone is taking care of themselves during this CMCO period! Keep your hands clean, and keep practicing social distancing!
By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat