Pre-schoolers as well as lower primary students are returning to school today (March 1), after the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted their education for most of last year.
Photo via Twitter (Fareez Azman for Astro Awani)
Teacher Aprinita Gomez from SJKC Yuk Nam Tenom in Sabah shared with Astro Radio News how excited she was to receive her students.
“To be honest, I am a bit nervous, since school is starting after a long break, however I do feel excited, to restart teaching in the classroom rather than doing it virtually.”
“Of course I know a lot of teachers, prefer to teach face-to-face since the interaction will be much more different and it is more meaningful when it is done in an in-person environment.”
Meanwhile, Abhinaya Anne from SK Convent Klang says she’s been looking forward to start school.
“I’m very very excited to go back to school after so long, I can’t wait to see all my friends and teachers.”
“Online learning was fun I guess, but nothing beats being in the classroom with my friends and studying together. I’m very, very happy.”
Parents are equally excited about school re-starting after months of hybrid learning.
Vaishnavi Thurai Rajah had mixed feelings about sending her girl to school but was reassured by school officials.
“I'm happy that she gets to go back to school. The teachers put in tremendous effort into making the online sessions fun, but for kids her age it wasn’t easy. The classroom environment I feel plays an important role in their learning.”
“I was initially concerned about sending her but with the SOPs in place and the assurance we got from the school, I trust that they must do all they must to keep the kids safe.”
The Education Ministry decided to allow this group of students to start school earlier than the rest to enable teachers to get their younger charges familiarised with the schools' SOPs.

By: Roshini Ravindran