11-Year-Old Orang Asli Boy Captivates M’sians With His Stunning Blue Eyes!

Though he is deaf, 11-year-old Rizal Baharom captivates Malaysians with his stunning blue eyes. So pretty!

According to BERNAMA, the Semai tribe’s youngest of two siblings has been drawing the attention from his schoolmates, who were mesmerized by his distinct blue eyes and always want a picture with him. 

11-year-old orang asli boy captivates m’sians with his stunning blue eyes!Photo via The Star

His mother known as Roshayati said that she, her brother, and her oldest son, 14-year-old Rafize were all born with one blue eye, and she further revealed that this was not an inherited feature or the product of mixed marriages.

“Many have asked whether I'm married to a mat salleh and even questioned our blue eyes. I just calmly say that this is a blessing from God for our family,” she told reporters. 

She also added that her son is currently attending a boarding school in Chemor, Perak for kids with special needs and that he is starting to learn sign language.

11-year-old orang asli boy captivates m’sians with his stunning blue eyes!Photo via BERNAMA

His class teacher, A. Tain Moli also said that the boy is an excellent student not only in academics but also in sports and recently competed in a shot put event for the District Schools Sports Council (MSSD). Wah! 

Keep up the good work, Rizal! He is going to grow up to be a very smart and good-looking young man!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat