Have You Met ADAM, Malaysia’s Own Humanoid AI Robot?

have you met adam, malaysia’s own humanoid ai robot?

Main image via New Straits Times

You’ve probably seen pictures and videos of Sophia, a humanoid AI robot that left our Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir speechless at the Beyond Paradigm Summit at MITEC, Kuala Lumpur. Sophia, developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics, has taken the world by storm since her public reveal in 2016. With its uncanny social behavior and being the first robot to receive citizenship in any country, Sophia is quite the international spectacle.

But did you know that Malaysia has its own humanoid AI robot as well? Meet ADAM, short for Advanced Development Autonomous Machine. ADAM is developed by Cyberjaya-based robotics company Robopreneur Sdn Bhd.  

have you met adam, malaysia’s own humanoid ai robot?

Image via The Star

Unlike Sophia, ADAM sports a more futuristic design, but can still perform functions such as seamless full body movement and natural social interaction. However, the company’s founder and CEO Hanafiah Yusof highlights that ADAM is still under development and will have even more human-like features in the future.

For the third phase also, we will equip the robot with more human-like features, like the cover skin. We hope by then the robot will have a Malaysian face. So, this robot will become the icon of Malaysia.

In line with Malaysia’s vision of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, this project supports the development of technologies such as robotic design, advanced computing, sensing fusion and AI. Hanafiah plans to mass produce ADAM in order to facilitate the research and development of social and healthcare robots.

It’s great to see Malaysia pushing the boundaries of technology and research! We might see ADAM in public settings soon enough.