Fresh Grads in Malaysia Set RM6K Starting Salary, Skills and Experience As Reasons

With living costs rising faster than ever, it's no surprise that fresh graduates are keen on securing a starting salary that reflects these pressures. But what amount makes sense, and when does it become unrealistic?

fresh grads in malaysia set rm6k starting salary, skills and experience as reasonsPhoto via Malaysian Institute of Economic Research

Recently, @umpsamalaysia took to TikTok, asking fresh grads what they consider an ideal starting salary as they enter the workforce. Responses varied widely, but most graduates set their sights at RM3,000 or above, with only a couple saying RM2,500 would be a fair beginning. 

Some, however, set the bar higher, requesting RM5,000 to RM6,000, reasoning that their university experiences and specialised courses justify the premium—even for those with Diplomas.

Many graduates pointed to the current economic climate as a key factor in their expectations.

In light of this, Prime Minister PMX announced an increase in the minimum wage to RM1,700, effective February 2025, as part of Budget 2025—though it’s still a far cry from the numbers some graduates are hoping for.

Public reaction to these salary expectations has been mixed, with many questioning their practicality for entry-level roles. Some felt that RM5,000 for a Diploma graduate is unrealistic, and others noted that reaching higher salaries typically requires job-hopping rather than starting off with a high wage. While a few acknowledged that experience could justify higher pay, they doubted whether fresh graduates could reasonably expect such amounts right out of school.

@umpsamalaysia "Selepas konvokesyen, apakah jangkaan gaji graduan UMPSA? Mari kita bincangkan cabaran dan peluang yang ada! Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang nilai sebenar kelayakan kita di pasaran kerja? #GraduanUMPSA #GajiGraduan #Kerjaya #konvoUMPSA #KonvokesyenUMPSA ♬ Positive background music such as play and games(1251730) - earbrojp

So, what’s your take? Are these salary expectations fair, or is it wishful thinking? And what would it take for graduates to command these kinds of starting salaries?