Photo via Facebook
The coronavirus pandemic has been nothing but a burden for most Malaysians, especially those in the B40 group, even as we enter the 10th month since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO).
With that, Masters of Administration students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) are conducting a corporate social responsibility (CSR) project as one of the conditions for graduation.
A group of eleven Full-Time MBA students known as Aurora Group will organize a program "Road to Zero Hunger" which will be held on 23rd & 24th January 2021 at PPR Lembah Subang, Selangor.

The CSR program aims to help the target group consisting of the B40 group (single mothers, housewives, and the unemployed) through the Food Basket distribution program.
This Food Basket distribution program hopes to reduce the effects of COVID-19 on the under privileged group as well as to assist the target group to cope with their livelihood hardship and well-being through the contribution of basic food supplies.
For more information, kindly refer to the project’s social media pages:
- Facebook : Road to Zero Hunger
- Instagram : Road to Zero Hunger (@roadtozerohunger2020)
- Twitter : Road to Zero Hunger (@AuroraUKMGSB)
Remember that a little goes a long way. And we could all use a helping hand in these trying times.
Stay safe, people!