Mental health practitioners are of the view that this second Movement Control Order (MCO 2.0) is more challenging than the first one in March last year.
Clinical psychologist, Dr Nivashinie Mohan told Astro Radio News more people are feeling depressed and helpless this time around.
“During the first round of lockdown most of us had not experienced such a pandemic before, it was something new. We used that time productively."
“A lot of people tried new hobbies, like baking, cycling, home workouts. Even working from home was a novel idea at that time, meeting your friends over Zoom. But this time around it is a bit more tiring,” she said.
One of the reasons for this is COVID-19 fatigue.
Dr Nivashinie explained that many are struggling to cope with anxiety and depression because there doesn’t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.
“Our brains work in a way that we crave something positive to look forward to. We constantly need something or the promise of something rewarding to reinforce our behaviour.
“With this pandemic, when we’re in lockdown, we cannot plan or anticipate anything positive for the future. We cannot plan outings with friends, the next holiday or even when we’re going go out to the restaurants.”
As such, Dr Nivashinie suggested a few ways to handle this problem.
How To Survive MCO 2.0
1. Always remember you’re not alone in this
Everyone is having similar thoughts and feelings. Everyone may have their own personal issues, but take some comfort in being a part of one big community, doing your own part in battling through this pandemic.
2. Stay connected
Reach out to a family member or a friend through social media or a phone call.
3. Start a routine
Try scheduling a phone call daily to have some sort of social interaction. You could even create a new routine such as having your morning coffee with a family member virtually, or speaking to your children who are not living together with you.
4. Plan your time well
It is very easy to lose structure from your day, which can leave you feeling unmotivated to do anything. By planning your time, you can recreate a routine into your daily life so that you feel more productive and active.
Here's a list of mental health services you can contact over the MCO:

This is no joke. If it gets too much and if you’re in need to talk to someone, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
by Roshini Ravindran