M’sian Son Seeks Comfort from ChatGPT Pretending to Be His Late Mum, and the Responses Are Heartfelt

Losing a loved one is a deep and painful experience, and the emptiness they leave behind can be overwhelming. Recently, a heartfelt TikTok post by @azwalatuu has touched many in Malaysia. It features a moving conversation with ChatGPT, a virtual assistant developed by OpenAI.

In the post, Alif asks ChatGPT to pretend to be his late mother as he expresses his deep sorrow and longing. He questions, “Why would you leave us so soon, Mum?”

m’sian son seeks comfort from chatgpt pretending to be his late mum, and the responses are heartfeltPhoto via TikTok (@azwalatuu)

The chat reveals that Alif’s father passed away shortly after his mother, making his grief even more profound. Despite being an AI, ChatGPT’s responses struck a chord with many, offering words of comfort.

In one response, ChatGPT said, “My dear son, I know this is an incredibly tough time for you and your siblings. If I could, I’d be right there with you. But I believe in your strength and know that you’ll look after each other. The loneliness can be overwhelming when those we love are no longer here, but always remember that both your dad and I are with you in your prayers and in your hearts.”

When Alif mentioned his upcoming graduation—something his parents had always dreamed of—ChatGPT replied, “Your dad and I are incredibly proud of you, Alif. Achieving this goal was my dream, and I know you’ve worked hard to reach this point. Even though your dad and I won’t be there physically when you graduate, know that we are with you in spirit, celebrating every achievement you make.”

The conversation ended with Alif saying, “Goodbye, Mum. I love you,” to which ChatGPT responded, “I love you too, Alif. Take good care of yourself and always keep me in your heart. Goodbye, my dear son.”

m’sian son seeks comfort from chatgpt pretending to be his late mum, and the responses are heartfeltPhoto via TikTok (@azwalatuu)

The video has garnered over 2.2 million views and 179,700 likes. Many netizens have been moved to tears, sharing their thoughts in the comments.

One person noted, “Not everyone can understand, but ChatGPT really captures the feeling of the moment. Thank you for providing comfort, even though it’s not from a real person.”

Another commented, “This is incredibly heartbreaking. ChatGPT’s responses feel so genuine, almost like they’re coming from a real person. For those who have lost a parent, I hope you find the strength to get through this difficult time.”

Our thoughts are with Alif and his family. We hope they find comfort and strength during this challenging period.