Pet Rocks Have Become Popular Among South Korean Teens To Cure Loneliness

In South Korea, a fascinating trend is taking root as an antidote to loneliness and burnout: the adoption of pet rocks. Instead of traditional pets like dogs or cats, many young people are finding solace and companionship in these humble stones.

pet rocks have become popular among south korean teens to cure lonelinessPhoto via X

Pet rocks offer a unique form of stress relief and emotional support without the demands of caring for a living creature. They're treated like pets, adorned with cute outfits, painted faces, and even given names. Some enthusiasts go as far as providing them with miniature beds, turning these rocks into cherished companions.

This trend reportedly gained traction in Korea back in 2020, during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Public figures, including K-pop stars and actors, have embraced the trend, sharing their own pet rock companions with their followers. 

Notably, SEVENTEEN member Jeonghan has a pet rock named Doljjong, which he regularly updates fans about online. His fans, known as CARATs, have become attached to Doljjong, constantly asking Jeonghan for updates and eagerly following its wellbeing.

pet rocks have become popular among south korean teens to cure lonelinessPhoto via X

Online platforms have played a significant role in popularising pet rocks, with websites offering these low-maintenance "pets" along with detailed instruction manuals. This accessibility has attracted many seeking a sense of connection and comfort.

On social media, Koreans have been sharing photos of their creatively adorned pet rocks, showcasing their personalised outfits, painted faces, and playful stickers. The appeal of these rocks lies in their simplicity and ease of care, providing companionship without the demanding responsibilities of traditional pets.

pet rocks have become popular among south korean teens to cure lonelinessPhoto via X

Interestingly, even popular culture has embraced the concept of pet rocks. In the acclaimed film "Parasite" by director Bong Joon-ho, a stone slab plays a symbolic role, offering promises of wealth and prosperity to the characters. This inclusion further highlights the cultural significance of pet rocks in South Korea's contemporary landscape.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, pet rocks offer a whimsical yet meaningful way to find comfort and connection, reminding us that companionship can come in unexpected forms.