The Power of Social Media! Malaysian Man Reunites with Mother in Thailand After 27 Years

In a heartwarming tale of love and perseverance, 32-year-old Saufi Marwan Muhammad Hariri never gave up hope of finding his biological mother, even after being separated for 27 years.

The recent passing of his father left a void in his life, intensifying his longing to reconnect with his long-lost parent from Satun, Thailand.

For years, Saufi carried a burden of anger, believing his mother had abandoned him. However, as grief overcame him, his yearning to reunite with his mother grew deeper. Supported by his wife, Najla Zakaria, Saufi embarked on a journey to find his mother, armed with determination and the power of social media.

the power of social media! malaysian man reunites with mother in thailand after 27 yearsPhoto via Kosmo

With limited information about his mother's whereabouts, Saufi relied on a Facebook user named Natrah, who had connections in Satun. Their sincere efforts paid off when, just three days after posting his search on social media, he received a message from Natrah with his mother's contact details.

Overjoyed, Saufi immediately reached out to his mother, 56-year-old Che An Asri.

Their long-awaited reunion, which took place in April 2022, brought immense joy to Saufi's life. He discovered the truth behind his mother's absence—he learned that she had tried three times to meet him but had been unsuccessful. Deeply remorseful, Saufi expressed his guilt for mistakenly believing that his mother had abandoned him.

Now reunited, Saufi cherishes the newfound bond with his mother and his four siblings, who live with her in Satun. His once-empty life is now filled with love, and he makes a point to call his mother every day, cherishing their conversations.

Saufi's sole aspiration now is to take care of his mother, repaying the years of longing and separation with devoted support and affection.

The heartwarming reunion of Saufi Marwan and his long-lost mother is a testament to the power of love, determination, and the enduring bond between a parent and child. Their story reminds us that even after years of separation, the longing for family remains, and with sincere efforts, miracles can happen. 

We rejoice in Saufi Marwan's complete family, and we wish them a lifetime of love and happiness together!