Malaysian Student Criticised for Requesting Food, Accommodation, and RM3,000 Salary in Internship Application

A Malaysian student studying Graphic Design created quite a stir when they applied for an internship. 

This student, currently pursuing a Diploma in Graphic Design, made some unique requests in their application, asking for food, a place to stay, transportation incentives, and a monthly salary of RM3,000. 

malaysian student criticised for requesting food, accommodation, and rm3,000 salary in internship applicationPhoto via Health Digest

The company they applied to, a graphic design company, shared the student's email on Facebook…

In the email, the student expressed their interest in interning at the company and listed out various requests. They wanted to know if the company could provide incentives during the internship. 

These requests included a Grab transport allowance, accommodation, breakfast and lunch incentives, a performance bonus, and an internship salary of RM3,000 or more.

The company was surprised by these bold requests and responded with a caption on Facebook, saying, "Please don't, but (we) wish you all the best." This post on Facebook got over 5,000 likes and 1,200 comments. 

People on the internet were amazed and amused by the student's unconventional approach to securing an internship: "Good luck getting a job," commented one user.

"Wait, you can request all that? In an internship?" wondered another user.

Expressing disbelief, yet another user remarked, "What made them think that an intern would get paid above RM3,000? Hiring an intern with a RM1,000 salary would still be doubtful for some companies."

Please jangan.... but wish you all the best 🫶

Posted by KF Design 黑月亮脸设计 on Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Hmm, what do you guys think of the student’s request?