Honest Malaysians Leave Extra Vending Machine Drinks Untouched, Impressing Netizens

In Malaysia, the culture of honesty and kindness is deeply ingrained in the community. These values were beautifully highlighted in a heartwarming video that has recently gone viral on social media. 

The video, posted by @samii63_ on TikTok, showcases the integrity of Malaysians in a simple yet powerful way.

honest malaysians leave extra vending machine drinks untouched, impressing netizensPhoto via TikTok (@samii63_)

@samii63_, a Middle Eastern man who has been residing in Malaysia for seven years, shared a video of an incident at a vending machine in what appears to be a residential building's foyer. The video shows four cans of coffee drinks left on top of the vending machine. The accompanying text and voiceover explained that these cans were either accidentally left behind by someone or dispensed incorrectly by the machine. Despite being out in the open, no one took the cans.

"Someone forgot these cans or the machine accidentally dispensed them, and no one has taken them," the video stated. "Have you experienced this anywhere else?"

This scene is a testament to the honesty of the Malaysian people, as even in a situation where they could easily take the cans, they chose to leave them untouched. @samii63_ praised Malaysians for their integrity, highlighting how they refrained from taking something that did not belong to them.

The comments section of the video was filled with Malaysians sharing their thoughts and reactions. One commenter noted that while they could have taken the drinks, they would have felt guilty about it for the rest of their lives. 

Another commenter humorously admitted they would have taken the cans, unable to resist 'free drinks.' There were also speculations about the cans being expired, but @samii63_ confirmed that the cans were still good for another five months.

@samii63_ Honestly is the best policy #samii63 #malaysia #fyp ♬ الصوت الأصلي - I’tz Osamaa

This video is a beautiful reminder of the honesty that characterizes the Malaysian community. Well done, Malaysians!

If you ever find yourself in a situation where a vending machine dispenses extra drinks by accident, here’s what you should do:

  1. Leave the drinks: Just like in the video, leaving the extra drinks ensures that you are not taking something that doesn't belong to you.

  2. Notify the management: Inform the building management or the vending machine operator about the issue so they can rectify it.

  3. Be honest: Remember that honesty and integrity are important values. Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, speaks volumes about your character.