Malaysian Creates Special Song for Drivers Who Don't Use Their Signals; Netizens Amused

In Malaysia, a concerning trend has emerged where a significant number of drivers are neglecting to use their turn signals, turning it into a habitual oversight on the roads. This behavior, as highlighted by a recent viral video on Instagram by influencer Bryson Lew, sheds light on a prevailing issue that needs urgent attention.

malaysian creates special song for drivers who don't use their signals; netizens amusedPhoto via Instagram (@brysonlew)

Bryson Lew's video features a catchy song aimed at drivers who fail to use their signals when changing lanes. The humorous yet impactful lyrics address the frustration of encountering drivers who neglect this crucial safety measure. 

The video has resonated with many Malaysians, signaling a shared frustration with the prevalent lack of signaling on the roads.

"I come across people who don't use signals, is this your father's road? Use the turn signal before the corner. If not, listen to this song," he sings.

The comment section on Bryson Lew's Instagram is flooded with users expressing their approval of the song. Some go a step further, suggesting that the song be broadcasted on radio stations to create awareness and prompt a change in this alarming driving habit.

The importance of using turn signals cannot be overstated. Signaling is not just a legal requirement; it is a fundamental aspect of road safety. Proper use of turn signals communicates your intentions to other drivers, allowing them to anticipate your actions and make informed decisions. Failure to signal contributes to confusion, increases the risk of accidents, and undermines the smooth flow of traffic.

As Malaysians, it's crucial for us to recognise the significance of this simple yet impactful driving habit. Let's collectively strive to break the habit of not using turn signals and contribute to safer roads for everyone. 

Remember, a small action like signaling can make a big difference in preventing accidents and fostering a more considerate and efficient driving environment.