Korean Influencer Shares Her Love For Petai Since Living In Malaysia: "They Should Call It Fragrant Beans!”

Turning to TikTok, influencer seonma_shin shared her adoration for beloved Malaysian vegetables that are a rarity in Korea. 

korean influencer shares her love for petai since living in malaysia: they should call it fragrant beans!”Photo via TikTok (@seonma_shin)

She highlighted an array of traditional Malaysian greens, including bitter gourd, petai, winged beans, small chillies, long beans, water spinach, okra, and spring onion.

Reflecting on her initial encounter with bitter gourd, she confessed, "When I first arrived in Malaysia, I wasn't a fan of bitter gourd, and I believe this sentiment is shared by most Koreans due to its bitter taste." However, she went on to explain how her taste buds evolved to appreciate it, especially when it's paired with salted egg or deep-fried in the Indian culinary style.

But it was her enthusiastic declaration about petai, or the "stink bean," that truly stood out. She exclaimed, "I absolutely adore this, especially when it's prepared with shrimp to create sambal petai udang. 

I can't fathom why they call it the 'smelly bean' when it should undoubtedly be named the 'fragrant bean.'"

Diving into her affection for other vegetables, she shared her fondness for pairing them with sambal or simply relishing their natural flavors. Not too shabby!

@seonma_shin Adakah ini juga sayuran Malaysia kegemaran anda 🥬🫛?? #seonmainmy #koreaninmy #koreanmalaysian #cuticutimalaysia #tiktokmalaysia #tiktokindonesia #tamu #orangkoreaasli #fyp #말레이시아일상 #쿠알라룸푸르일ㅇ ♬ Very cute melody by marimba tone(39813) - Mitsu Sound

For those who have spent a considerable amount of time in Malaysia, what are your preferred fruits and vegetables?