Fathers' Hilarious Antics in Baby Care Class Go Viral, Netizens in Stitches: "His Baby Is Upside Down!"

Welcoming a newborn into the family is undoubtedly a precious and life-changing experience.

For first-time parents, the excitement often comes with a fair share of nerves. While a mother's role is undeniably crucial, fathers, too, need to equip themselves with the right knowledge to share the responsibilities and lighten their partner’s load.

@hospitalislamazzahrah Bila bapak-bapak mandikan bayi #hospitalislamazzahrah #hospitalmesraibadah #antenatalclass #kelasantenatal #kesihatan #kelasmegaantenatal #azzahrah ♬ Kelentang-Kelentong - Hael Husaini

In recent years, more couples have been attending parenting classes together to learn how to care for their little ones. These sessions not only provide essential skills but also offer plenty of light-hearted moments—especially when dads are involved!

A recent TikTok video posted by @hospitalislamazzahrah captured just that, showcasing young couples attending an antenatal class. The clip quickly gained attention for the hilarious and endearing antics of the husbands.

The video showed the men learning baby care basics—from bathing and swaddling to holding and changing nappies. Their adorable awkwardness stole the spotlight, with many visibly struggling yet giving it their all. The husbands' clumsy yet determined attempts had viewers giggling, with comments pouring in expressing both amusement and encouragement.

@hospitalislamazzahrah Disclaimer: Tujuan para ayah buat cara meneran ketika bersalin di program ini bukan untuk bagi ayah rasa pengalaman bersalin. Tapi bagi ayah belajar cara simulasi meneran yang betul untuk ajar isteri nanti & kami juga ingin menjaga aurat para isteri sepanjang aktiviti berlangsung 😊. Kami harap tiada mana2 pihak yang salah faham dengan video ini ☺️ #hospitalislamazzahrah #hospitalmesraibadah #antenatalclass #kelasmegaantenatal #fyp #azzahrah #kelasantenatal ♬ suara asli - eka
@hospitalislamazzahrah Momen kelas antenatal #hospitalislamazzahrah #hospitalmesraibadah #antenatalclass #kelasmegaantenatal #fyp #azzahrah ♬ Feeling so la-la-la - LeaFie

The video served as a reminder that parenting is a shared journey filled with learning curves—and a bit of laughter makes it all the more memorable!