Wahh, so cool!
Fossils, human skeletons together with cave drawings were recently found in Bukit Keteri and Gua Semadong, dated back to the protohistory (the period or stage of human development or of a particular culture immediately prior to the emergence of writing) era.

Photo via Facebook (Jabatan Penerangan Negeri Perlis)
This proves that Perlis was once a settlement of this community.
According to NST, the National Heritage Department commissioner Mohd Azmi Mohd Yusof said the fossils and skeletons in Bukit Keteri and the drawings in the shape of cos, elephants, snakes, apes and humans were discovered in 2018.
“Many of the fragments of the human skeleton fossils found in Bukit Keteri are estimated to be between 5,000 and 10,000 years old and the cave drawings in Gua Semadong, believed to have Hindu-Buddhist influences estimated to date back to the 5th to the 10th century,” he said.

Photo via Facebook (Jabatan Penerangan Negeri Perlis)
He also added that previous research carried out in Perlis, discovered that Bukit Chuping, Bukit Tunku Lembu, Bukit Ngulang, Bukit Kerengga and Bukit Changkul areas were once settlements and funeral grounds for Paleolithic and Neolithic communities, based on the discoveries of various types of artefacts including stone tools and earthenware.
The areas concerned will be gazetted as historical sites to protect them from being compromised.
The discoveries of these artefacts are crucial for the history of Perlis, he added.
[VIDEO] Penemuan Tengkorak Manusia di Bukit Keteri dan Lukisan Purba di Gua Semadong, Chuping, Perlis.
[VIDEO] Penemuan Tengkorak Manusia di Bukit Keteri dan Lukisan Purba di Gua Semadong, Chuping, Perlis. Berdasarkan kajian, serpihan rangka dan tengkorak yang ditemui di Bukit Keteri dianggarkan sekitar 5 000 ke 10 000 tahun dahulu. Eksplorasi di Gua Semadong pula telah menemukan lukisan gua zaman proto sejarah yang mempunyai pengaruh Hindu-Buddha yang dianggarkan sekitar abad kelima hingga abad kesepuluh Masihi. Pesuruhjaya Warisan memohon kepada orang ramai agar mematuhi perundangan Akta Warisan Kebangsaan 2005 (AWK 2005) (Akta 645) dengan melaporkan segera sebarang jumpaan bersejarah dijumpai di Perlis. Pesuruhjaya Warisan juga memohon kerjasama Pihak Berkuasa Negeri untuk melindungi tapak tersebut agar kawasan tersebut dipelihara dan dilindungi untuk tujuan kajian lanjut. #JabatanPenerangan #JapenPerlis #KomunikasiKita
Posted by Jabatan Penerangan Negeri Perlis on Thursday, October 14, 2021
This is so cool!
By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat