Photo via Facebook
In a bid to make learning a fun, “interstellar” experience for her students, a kindergarten teacher went above and beyond to make her classroom look like a spaceship!
Cikgu Farra of Tabika Talang Hulu in Kuala Kangsar, Perak, took to Facebook to share pictures of her proud work, which she managed to pull off with the help of her fellow teachers and some of her students’ parents.
You won’t believe the amount of detail put into this!
Sikit je kita tambah hari ni..esok2 ada rezeki..sihat..kita tambah baik lagi..space troli tgh dlm proses.. #iamtekgupara2021 #tabikakemastalanghulu #kemasparlimenkualakangsar #iamkemas
Posted by Cikgu Farra on Friday, January 29, 2021
You can tell that Cikgu Farra is an extremely dedicated teacher, as she keeps her Facebook page active by even uploading videos of some of the lessons she teaches, as well as classroom activities.
“People think we are ordinary or boring village teachers but we want to change that belief," she said in one of her posts.
“We may be 'orang kampung' but our hearts and souls are this big. It may not look exactly like the real thing but at least we tried."
Keep up the good work, Cikgu Farra!
by Kyle Roshen Jacob