Our Dads Are Superheroes!

As a child, many of us tend to look up to our dads as superheroes, as they continue to make us feel proud.

A story shared by Twitter user Arissa Aznan reminds us just how incredible dads can be.

Arisha begins by telling a story of her 9-month-old pregnant neighbour, Nurul, who lives with her two children while her husband was away working abroad. The husband was scheduled to come home on 1st April after a month of being away.

Unfortunately, at the end of March, Nurul’s husband wasn’t allowed to return home due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) being set in place and was told to stay put where he was. He contacted Arissa’s parents to keep a close eye on his wife without telling her, as he didn’t want to cause his very much pregnant wife any unnecessary worries.

Arissa’s dad checked up on Nurul several times and had even brought her to the hospital for check-ups. On 6 April, Nurul was admitted to the hospital with the help of Arissa’s family after she had her contractions.

While Nurul was at the hospital, Arissa’s father bought groceries while Arissa cooked for Nurul and her children. When her dad called Nurul to deliver the food, he was told that Nurul had given birth. The dad quickly went to the hospital to recite some prayers for the newborn baby. Even the nurses thought Arissa’s dad was the baby’s grandfather!

When it was time for Nurul to be discharged, Arissa’s dad was there to make all the arrangements.

But that’s not the only good deed Arissa’s dad has done, as he is known throughout his neighbourhood for his charitable acts. Her dad often helped their neighbours, from buying groceries, food, and even gave them haircuts, all without asking anything in return

Especially during the MCO, Arissa’s dad is concerned about the safety of their neighbours when they are outside and told them to rely on him to get their essential items

Arissa’s story has gone viral with more than 32K retweets and people across the Twitterverse praising her kind-hearted dad.

Arissa said that when she looks at her dad, he hopes that one day she is able to tell her children that their grandfather is a Superman.

The Rock, as Arissa called her dad since she was a kid, has always been there for her whole family, as she reminded everyone to wish both of her parents well.

We completely stan Arissa’s dad and wish more people can be like him!