Netizens Are Praising This Abang Polis Who Helped An Injured Doggo

Look at that poor face! 

But, we’re thankful for this Abang Polis who stopped in the middle of the road to help the helpless doggo that was hit by a car.

In an Instagram post shared by the Malaysia Royal Police (@pdrmsia_official), a traffic police officer was seen parking his motorcycle in the middle of the road to deter cars from running over the dog.


#PKPP #COVID-19 PIC OF THE DAY: SETIAP MAKHLUK CIPTAAN TUHAN ADALAH BERHARGA Setiap makhluk yang wujud di muka bumi ini amat berharga, sama-samalah kita berbuat baik dan menyayangi antara satu sama lain kerana setiap yang bernyawa berhak menikmati hidup dengan aman dan selesa. Terima kasih kepada anggota polis trafik dari Bahagian Siasatan Penguatkuasaan Trafik, Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Shah Alam, Selangor kerana telah menyelamatkan seekor anjing yang cedera dilanggar oleh kenderaan di kilometer 13.8 Lebuhraya Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur pagi tadi. Walaupun sibuk dalam memastikan laluan trafik di Kuala Lumpur berjalan lancar, bantuan tetap diberikan kepada anjing berkenaan demi memastikan ia selamat dan kembali berjalan semula. #StayHome #BeSafe #Pray4Malaysia HELP BREAK THE COVID-19 CHAIN #PicOfTheDay #PolisDirajaMalaysia #RoyalMalaysiaPolice #PDRM #RMP #12062020

A post shared by Polis Diraja Malaysia (@pdrmsia_official) on

The post said: “Picture of the day! All lives are valuable. Every living thing that exists on this earth is precious, so let’s all be kind and loving towards each other, because every life deserves to enjoy life and live happily and comfortably here”.

The post has since gained attention and praises for the Abang Polis who had gone above and beyond his call of duty to help a dog in trouble. 

netizens are praising this abang polis who helped an injured doggoPhoto via Instagram (pdrmsia_official)

Thank you, Abang Polis, for your kindness towards our little furry friend. You might’ve just made a new buddy for life!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat