Japan Airlift Potatoes On Three Jumbo Jets To Curb French Fry Shortage

We’re with you, Japan! We can’t imagine a world without french fries…

Whether it’s the regular french fries, criss-cut, curly, waffles - we love them all as long as they’re french fries!

japan airlift potatoes on three jumbo jets to curb french fry shortagePhoto via Bicycling

A US freight forwarder, Flexport Inc. said they could help fly three jumbo jets loaded with potatoes to Japan, where a shortage of spuds has caused McDonald’s in the country to ration their fries. Oh no, that’s terrible!

Flexport Inc.’s chief executive officer, Ryan Peterson said they flew three 747 loads of potatoes to Japan to help with the french fry shortage. 

McDonald’s in Japan said on December 21st that it would only offer small sizes of french fries after flooding at Vancouver port and the COVID-19 pandemic cut off key supplies for the staple menu item.

japan airlift potatoes on three jumbo jets to curb french fry shortagePhoto via KHOU

A footage from a local Japan television recently went viral showing customers forming long lines at one of the stores in Tokyo to get their last orders of the larger portion fries, before the ration went into effect. That’s actually… very sad. 

However, the fast-food company said it expects the issue to be resolved by New Year’s Eve. 

Ahh, that’s so sad…

We hope the potatoes arrive safely in Japan and that everyone can get as many french fries as they want this New Year’s Day!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat