Malaysia Urged to Tidy Up: Merdeka Day Parade Site in Seremban Left in Disarray

BERNAMA recently shared an important message on their X page about a persistent issue affecting our society: littering. 

malaysia urged to tidy up: merdeka day parade site in seremban left in disarrayPhoto via BERNAMA

They highlighted a concerning scene at Seremban during the 67th National Day Celebration, where heaps of trash, including boxes and plastic containers, were left behind, tarnishing what should have been a celebratory occasion.

This situation raises a critical question: Despite our long-standing independence, are we truly free from the habits that harm our environment? Their post emphasised that this behaviour reflects a broader issue of civic responsibility and environmental consciousness, which seems to be lacking even after numerous cleanliness campaigns over the years.

The core of the message is clear: While we have made progress in many areas, maintaining a clean environment remains a challenge. It’s not just about following rules but about fostering a sense of respect and responsibility for our surroundings.

To address this, they suggested that stricter regulations might be necessary. They urged that without a concerted effort to curb such actions, future generations might inherit a polluted environment, making it even more challenging for the government to protect and preserve our natural spaces.

It’s a call to action for all of us. What can we do to foster a culture of cleanliness and respect for our environment? Education, community engagement, and stricter enforcement of littering laws are all part of the solution. By working together and leading by example, we can make a significant difference.

Let’s reflect on our role in this issue and strive to make every celebration, and every day, a testament to our commitment to a cleaner, more beautiful Malaysia.