PERHILITAN Rescues Baby Elephant from Drain in Kelantan as Mother Waits Patiently

The Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia, commonly known as PERHILITAN, is responsible for the conservation and management of wildlife in Malaysia. Their work includes protecting endangered species, managing wildlife habitats, and conducting rescue operations.

perhilitan rescues baby elephant from drain in kelantan as mother waits patientlPhoto via Facebook (Jabatan PERHILITAN Semenanjung Malaysia)

On June 30, PERHILITAN shared a video on their official Facebook page showcasing a dramatic rescue mission. The incident took place at Batu 13 on the Jeli East-West Highway in Kelantan.

The video depicts a tense situation: a mother elephant standing by a drain where her calf is trapped. Eight dedicated personnel from the PERHILITAN Jeli District office arrived promptly to handle the situation.

The rescue team first secured a harness around the calf. Using a backhoe, they carefully lifted the young elephant out of the drain. Throughout the entire operation, the mother elephant remained remarkably calm, as if she understood that the rescuers were there to help her baby.

Once the calf was freed, it attempted to cross the road to rejoin its mother but encountered difficulty with the road barrier. Acting quickly, the PERHILITAN team cut through the barrier, allowing the calf to cross safely and reunite with its mother.

This heartwarming rescue underscores the dedication and expertise of PERHILITAN in protecting Malaysia's wildlife. Their efforts ensure that even the youngest and most vulnerable members of the elephant population are given a chance to thrive. 

A heartfelt thank you to PERHILITAN for their unwavering commitment to wildlife conservation.