Oyen Sneaks Into Check-In Luggage, Discovered During X-Ray Scan At Airport

Cat’s out of the bag! A Transport Security Administration (TSA) agent was in for a surprise when they found a cat in a suitcase.

oyen sneaks into check-in luggage, discovered during x-ray scan at airportPhoto via Twitter (@TSA)

An x-ray scan revealed an outline of a cat hiding inside a checked bag at the JFK airport in New York in the United States. On 16 November, the employee discovered the cat inside the bag and removed it, preventing it from being put in the luggage hold of the aircraft.

The TSA took to their Twitter account to express their shock after discovering the Oyen in the bag: “We’re letting the cat out of the bag on a hiss-toric find.”

The tweet has since been shared over 600 times at the time of writing. 

TSA spokesperson, Lisa Farbstein said in her tweet that the cat was found after it went through the X-ray unit. 

The luggage owner explained that the cat belongs to someone else in their house: “On the bright side, the cat’s out of the bag and safely back home,” she tweeted. 

The New York Post was successful in tracking down the cat’s owners, who guessed that their cat, whose name is Smells, must have crawled into their house guest’s bag while she was at work. 

The owners Alex and Alix have been posting about the experience on Instagram and even created a highlight titled “Smells and TSA”

Aiyo, it’s just Oyen being Oyen! We’re glad he’s safely back at home! 

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat