Medical Center Accidentally Tell Thousands Of Patients They Have Cancer On Christmas Day

Imagine just scrolling through your messages, reading heartfelt Christmas messages and minding your own business when suddenly you receive a message from your medical center telling you that you have “aggressive” cancer.

medical center accidentally tell thousands of patients they have cancer on christmas dayPhoto via BBC

A medical center in Doncaster, South Yorkshire in London sent the message to approximately 8,000 patients on 23 December by mistake.

We can imagine how terrifying it is for the people who suddenly received the text message. According to Oddity Central, some of the recipients recently had various tests and were awaiting their results, so learning that they have “aggressive” cancer, a few days before Christmas, must be devastating. 

Speaking to BBC, a woman said that she just had a mole removed and was waiting for her results from a biopsy and even had a smear test that came back abnormal, “So yes, I was very worried. I felt sick to my stomach and broke down,” she said. 

After receiving the dreadful text, terrified patients immediately tried to call the medical center, only to be put on hold, which added to their anxiety. 

medical center accidentally tell thousands of patients they have cancer on christmas day

Photo via BBC

The nightmare was brief, however, an hour or so after the first text, the patients received a follow-up message informing them that the initial text had been a mistake. 

The medical center explained that they actually meant to send them an automated “Merry Christmas” message, but instead they accidentally sent a message telling their clients that they have aggressive lung cancer.

Hm, someone from their customer relations really needs some explaining to do!