Meet the 24-Year-Old Chinese Quadruplets Who Formed a Band: Red on Wood!

You've probably heard of bands with twin sisters or even triplets, but what about quadruplets? 

The Chinese group 红飞林, or Red on Wood, stands out as a unique ensemble of four identical sisters. Zhu Wanbing, Wanqing, Wanyu, and Wanjie, all 24 years old, recently released their debut album titled "Xin Shen Wei Ding," which loosely translates to "Undecided Mind."

meet the 24-year-old chinese quadruplets who formed a band: red on wood!Photo via Online Today

Hailing from Nanjing, these talented sisters are more than just pretty faces; they are accomplished musicians and songwriters who attended the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston. Their love for music blossomed at a young age, and forming a band together felt like a natural step.

Despite their striking resemblance, the sisters each bring a unique personality to the group. Wanqing describes herself as slightly taller and slimmer, Wanbing is the calm one, Wanyu is known for being straightforward, and Wanjie is the lively and smart sister.

Their journey to stardom began with a remarkable story. The sisters became local celebrities from birth, not just because they were quadruplets, but because of the unexpected circumstances surrounding their arrival. 

meet the 24-year-old chinese quadruplets who formed a band: red on wood!Photo via Online Today

Their mother initially believed she was having triplets, but after delivering three babies, she felt a sudden pain and, to everyone's astonishment, out came the fourth child. This surprise birth made headlines, and the public eagerly contributed suggestions for naming the girls. 

Their father was so overwhelmed that he jokingly considered naming them A, B, C, and D!

Their early fame didn't stop there. At the age of eight, they had a brush with showbiz when they starred in a movie, and they were also torchbearers for the 2013 Asian Youth Games in Nanjing.

Their new album "Xin Shen Wei Ding" represents a fresh start for these talented sisters. As they embark on their musical journey, they do so with the bond of sisterhood, a unique story, and the skills to captivate audiences with their music.