To Scan or Not to Scan? Registration SOPs at Petrol Stations

to scan or not to scan? registration sops at petrol stations

According to Defence Minister Datuk Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s press conference on Tuesday (10th Nov 2020), the public do not have to check-in via the MySejahtera app or register manually when refueling at the petrol station. However, he clarified that those who pay at the pump itself have to check-in or register.

So, when exactly do you have to check-in at the petrol station? Basically, it depends on what you plan on doing there.

Here’s what you need to know about the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for registration at petrol stations.

Firstly, you MUST check-in if you enter the convenience store, whether it be to pay for petrol, to buy items, or to use the Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

to scan or not to scan? registration sops at petrol stationsPhoto via

You also need to check-in if you use their toilet and/or surau, if you send your car to a workshop on the station’s premises, or if you’re going to use the station’s manual car wash service.

to scan or not to scan? registration sops at petrol stationsPhoto via Los Angeles Times

Now, you DO NOT have to check-in if you pay for your petrol at the pump using your debit or credit card, or any e-wallet services.

to scan or not to scan? registration sops at petrol stationsPhoto via Berita Harian

This also applies to paying at the little window or pigeonhole of the store. However, the Defence Minister says if there’s a long queue and close contact seems likely, it’s advisable to check-in as an extra precaution.

to scan or not to scan? registration sops at petrol stationsPhoto via

You also don’t have to register if you’re just inflating your tyres at the designated area, as there’s little to no contact with other people.

Lastly, you don’t have to register if you’re going to use the automatic car wash service, which doesn’t require you to leave your car.

Now that you’re all caught up, make sure you share this info with everyone else, to avoid any confusion... and any potential fines!


By: Amy Shariffudin