Sabah Is Reopening Tourism And Cultural Activities

Sabah has been one of the hardest-hit states since the pandemic began in Malaysia.

According to Channel News Asia, the Health director-general Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah pointed out that the COVID-19 situation in Sabah is stabilising and under control, as the state relaxes some of its restrictions.

sabah is reopening tourism and cultural activitiesPhoto via Malay Mail

Recently, the Sabah government allowed for the reopening of the state’s tourism and cultural activities with maximum participation of 50% of the capacity of the venue.

State Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said among the venues of the tourism spots involved were zoos, aquariums, recreational parks, nature parks, theme parks, and family entertainment, as reported by the Malay Mail.

He also said that centres of arts, culture, and heritage, such as museums, libraries, art galleries, heritage culture centres, and theatres were also allowed to resume operations.

“These activities are now allowed subject to physical distancing, wearing of face masks, and compliance with the conditional movement control order (CMCO), standard operating procedures (SOP) still in force in the state until 31 December,” he said. 

sabah is reopening tourism and cultural activitiesPhoto via Hello Sabah

Seminars, workshops, training, conferences, and talks can also be held by following the same SOPs. However, in service training may only be held in the compound of the training institution. 

Masidi added that public and private events, as well as wedding receptions, birthdays or anniversary celebrations, tahlil, and doa selamat are also allowed with the same SOP: “However, all these activities are not allowed in the localities under the EMCO.”

Furthermore, the Sabah state government is still not allowing picnics, sports and competitions, and recreational activities involving a large number of participants, touching and presence of spectators and participants from abroad.

Activities at nightclubs or pubs, cinemas, and live concerts or events with the presence of spectators were also not allowed, to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yay, now can go jalan-jalan and have birthday parties, but remember to be responsible, follow the SOPs and wear a face mask, and maintain physical distancing. 

Take care and stay safe!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat