MOH Shares Right Way To Dispose Your Face Masks!

Face masks are essential for stopping the spread of COVID-19, and have become an everyday accessory. 

moh shares right way to dispose your face masks!Photo via Facebook (KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA)

But, do you know the effects of the huge increase in the use of disposable masks? 

Our environment is now in danger of being victim to face masks not being disposed of carefully. 

The Ministry of Health (MOH) recently took to their Facebook page to share the right way of disposing of used facemasks. 

It said individuals should not simply dispose of their face masks anywhere they like, as it could be contaminated with the coronavirus, thus exposing more people to the virus and increasing the risk of infections. 

Jangan buang pelitup muka terpakai di merata-rata tempat. Pelitup muka terpakai itu mungkin telah dicemari virus...

Posted by KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA on Tuesday, June 29, 2021

They also included some photos of used facemasks on the ground, which just looks disgusting. 

Here are the 7 steps to correctly dispose of your facemasks, according to MOH:

Step 1: Remove your face mask! Make sure you wash or sanitize your hands first

Step 2: Make sure your hands are not touching the outer part of the face mask

Step 3: Fold the facemask into two

Step 4: Roll up the facemask

Step 5: Plae the used facemask into a plastic bag

Step 6: Dispose the face mask into a trash can

Step 7: Wash your hands again! If you’re out in public, use a hand sanitizer

Please don’t litter, guys! Also remember to not reuse single-use face masks and dispose of them immediately after removal!

Stay healthy and stay safe! 

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat