Were you travelling back to your hometown on Friday the 31st July, which was the first day of Raya Haji? You were probably stuck in the jam.
Photo via Nisay (Netizen)
Since the loosening of the restrictions for interstate travelling, many people took the opportunity to go back to their hometown since most of them couldn’t during Raya Aidilfitri. Many people thought that the traffic congestion will subside by then since everyone will be spending time with their family on the first day of Raya Haji.
Photo via jalanow.com
Many highways were affected including the KL Karak Highway, the East Coast Expressway (LPT 1 & LPT 2), and the PLUS (North-South) Highway.
Traffic started building up on Wednesday, causing an unusual congestion heading outbound of KL. The PLUS Highway was one of the highways that were badly affected, causing nearly up to a 2-hour crawl from Bidor towards Gopeng.

Other highways were also affected like on Jalan Raub Lipis and Jalan Tras in Pahang, on Jalan Kota Bharu Gua Musang in Kelantan, and the East-West Highway in Perak while traffic around the Klang Valley was under control.
By: Rayelene Chin