GSC Cinemas Have Closed Down Two Of Its Outlets In KL

It’s just been confirmed that GSC (Golden Screen Cinemas) have closed down two of its outlets at Cheras Leisure Mall and Berjaya Times Square permanently.

In a statement, GSC said they had a good long run for GSC Cheras Leisure Mall since 1995 and GSC Berjaya Times Square since 2005 but, due to the current situation, they had to shutter the cinemas permanently.

Goodbye, GSC Cheras Leisure Mall & GSC Berjaya Times Square!

Posted by GSC on Thursday, January 7, 2021

“With this, we would like to convey our sincerest thanks and gratitude to all movie-goers who have long supported GSC Cheras Leisure Mall and GSC Berjaya Times Square.”

“Please keep an eye out for our reopening in the Klang Valley and stay updated with the latest news on our social media. We cannot wait to welcome you back to our cinemas and look forward to seeing everyone again soon,” they said in the statement.

gsc cinemas have closed down two of its outlets in klPhoto via Cinemas Online

This news, will of course, come as a shock to many movie buffs living in the Klang Valley as both cinemas have been running for more than a decade.

But don’t worry, there are still other GSC branches around the area that you can head to once the restrictions ease and the cinemas are open again!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat