Photo: Yahoo News
Did you have long or short hair as a teenager?
Pretty sure all the men in Malaysia will remember how they had to go for regular haircuts just to avoid the wrath of the eagle-eyed discipline teacher.

One teenager finally had enough and started a petition asking the Prime Minister to put an end to the school rule! Darrell James started the petition on Change.org back in June, saying forcing male students to have short hair is gender discrimination, impractical, and an extra burden on poor parents who can't afford to send their kids for regular haircuts.

More than 10,000 people have given him their support so far, but not everyone is impressed, especially not the Youth and Sports Minister. Syed Saddiq spotted the petition yesterday and responded by basically saying "Focus on your studies, not your hair". So, what do you think? Should boys be given the right to choose their own hairstyles or are school rules there for a reason? Let us know!
By: Irene Chooi