1U Or OU?

1u or ou?Photo: Asia Web Direct

1 Utama Shopping Centre in Bandar Utama is a pretty popular lepak place, but it is also the cause of a long-standing debate. 

Some fondly call it “1U” while others call it “OU”, and netizens recently brought the debate to Twitter.

Twitter user @amaliabertweet uploaded a meme about the argument, where netizens quickly jumped in to share their thoughts. 

Strangely, there were quite a number who said they have never heard of it being called “1U”, while some others said the same about “OU”. How la? It’s like they all come from different planets!

Thankfully, the official 1 Utama Twitter account stepped in to settle the issue, saying that they would appreciate it if people would pronounce it “1U”, just like in their actual logo. The math checks out - why did people even start calling it “OU”?

Time to unfriend your friends who still insist on calling it “OU”!

By: Celestine Foo