Thailand Opens First Pet-Friendly Cinema, But Not Everyone is Excited

Thailand recently made headlines by opening its very first pet-friendly cinema just outside Bangkok on June 10th.

Major Cineplex introduced the i-Tail Pet Cinema, a place where pet owners can watch movies while enjoying the company of their furry friends.

thailand opens first pet-friendly cinema, but not everyone is excited

thailand opens first pet-friendly cinema, but not everyone is excitedPhoto via Facebook (AFP News Agency)

During the grand opening, the cinema screened The Little Mermaid, and it was a delightful sight to see. Pets dressed in cute outfits, like a Chihuahua dressed as Sebastian the Crab or a terrier wearing a red wig and mermaid's tail, sat on their owners' laps or in special carriers.

Narute Jiensnong, a spokesperson for Major Cineplex, explained that pets in the cinema have to wear diapers and stay in designated bags. The cinema also adjusts the sound and lighting to make sure the animals feel comfortable.

The idea for the pet-friendly cinema was inspired by child-friendly cinemas since Bangkok is not known for being particularly welcoming to pets. Narute mentioned that many pets have been experiencing separation anxiety as their owners start going out more after the past two years of lockdown.

While the pet cinema aims to offer a fun experience, there are some restrictions. Larger pets, like Tungchae, a 62kg Alaskan Malamute, are not allowed inside due to their size.

thailand opens first pet-friendly cinema, but not everyone is excited

thailand opens first pet-friendly cinema, but not everyone is excitedPhoto via Thai PBS News

However, not everyone shares the same excitement about the new cinema. One pet owner expressed concerns, mentioning that her cat prefers to snuggle up next to her on the couch at home while watching TV. She believes taking her pet to the cinema would be uncomfortable and distressing.

"It's ridiculous that dogs can't go to most Bangkok parks but can go to a movie or café," she added.

The pet-friendly cinema in Thailand provides a new entertainment option for pet owners who want to enjoy special moments with their beloved companions. As the concept continues to evolve, finding a balance between enjoyment and the well-being of the animals will be important.

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