What Is Smiling Depression? Here Are The Symptoms Of Smiling Depression

Depression is usually associated with sadness, lethargy and despair…

Though someone experiencing depression can undoubtedly feel these things, how depression presents itself can vary from person to person. 

what is smiling depression? here are the symptoms of smiling depressionPhoto via Newport Academy

A “smiling depression” is a term for someone living with depression on the inside while appearing perfectly happy or content on the outside. Their life can seem very “put together”, and maybe even what some would call normal or perfect.

According to Healthline, smiling depression isn’t recognised as a condition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) but would likely be diagnosed as a major depressive disorder with atypical features. 

What are the symptoms of smiling depression?

Someone who is suffering from smiling depression would, from the outside, look happy or content to others, but on the inside however, they would be experiencing the distressful symptoms of depression. 

Other classic symptoms include:

  1. Changes in appetite, weight and sleeping schedule

  2. Fatigue or lethargy

  3. Feeling of hopelessness, lack of self-esteem and low self-worth

  4. Loss of interest or pleasure in doing things that were once enjoyed

Someone with smiling depression will experience some or all of the above symptoms, but in public, these symptoms would be mostly absent. A person with smiling depression might look like:

  1. Active, high-functioning individual

  2. Someone holding down a steady job, with a healthy family and social life

  3. A person appearing to be cheerful, optimistic and generally happy

A person who suffers from smiling depression may continue to smile and put on a facade because they feel:

  1. Like showing signs of depression would be a sign of weakness

  2. Like they would burden anyone by expressing their feelings

  3. That they don’t have depression at all, because they’re “fine”

  4. That others have it worse, so what do they have to complain about?

  5. That the world would be better off without them

People with major depression sometimes feel suicidal but many don’t have the energy to act on these thoughts, however, someone with smiling depression might have the energy and motivation to follow through. 

Please, don’t discount your feelings. If you think you have depression, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. 

If you believe that someone you know may be quietly experiencing depression, ask them how they’re doing and be ready to listen! If you can’t personally help them, direct them to a resource that can help!


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Please take care! 

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat