What Is Lucid Dreaming And How To Experience It?

Lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you’re dreaming, and are able to recognize your thoughts and emotions when the dream happens.

Not only that, but sometimes, you can even control lucid dreams - you may be able to change the people, environment, and storyline! 

what is lucid dreaming and how to experience it?Photo via Greatist

According to Healthline, when we sleep, our brain cycles through rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep.

Non-REM sleep includes three stages, and during non-REM, your brain waves, heartbeat and eye movements gradually slow down, however, in REM sleep, your brain is extremely active and your heart rate and eye movements also increase. 

Lucid dreams usually occur during REM sleep, just like most dreams, but the only difference is that in lucid dreams, you are actually aware that you’re dreaming. Sounds cool! 

If you want to explore lucid dreams, you can try the following tips... but this does not guarantee that it works, because it all depends on your body and brain!

#1 Get more REM sleep

Since lucid dreaming happens during REM sleep, spending more time in this stage will increase your chances of lucid dreaming. 

So, try to get enough sleep, guys! When you have healthy sleep habits, your body can properly cycle through all four stages of sleep!

#2 Keep a dream journal

Some people use a dream journal or dream diary to help with their lucid dream.

Writing your dreams down in a book forces you to recall them when you sleep, which is thought to help your brain become more aware of dreaming. Always keep a notebook and a pen next to your bed, write down your dream as soon as you wake up, and read your journal regularly to familiarize your brain with it.

#3 Practice reality testing

Did you know that your level of consciousness is similar when you’re awake and dreaming. Cool, right?

So, by increasing your awareness during your waking state, you can enhance your awareness during your dreaming state, too! Reality testing is a popular way to train your mind to recognize your own awareness while you’re awake. 

Some of the popular reality checks include:

  • Finger through palm: Push your fingers against your opposite palm, if they pass through, you are dreaming

  • Mirrors: In a dream state, your reflection won’t look normal

  • Nose pinch: Pinch your nose. You’ll be able to breathe if you’re in a dream

  • Reading: Look away from text then look back again. If you’re dreaming, the text will change.

what is lucid dreaming and how to experience it?Photo via Quora

While lucid dreaming often happens randomly, it is possible to initiate it. It might actually work, so, why not give it a try! 

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat