Navigation Then vs. Now

navigation then vs. now

Photo via Mashable SEA

Looking for directions while driving can be quite frustrating when you are not familiar with your surroundings.

Thanks to technology, driving to somewhere new or an unfamiliar location is as simple as a click away on your phone.

But have you thought about how people from the olden days navigate on the road?

How do they know which road to take back then when there was no Google Maps or Waze to give you directions on the road?

Here are a few ways people used to navigate and identify roads back in the days...

Road maps

navigation then vs. now

Photo via Ttnotes

Road maps were one of the handiest things people had in the car. It is so reliable because it has all the road names and landmarks.   


Road signs

navigation then vs. now

Many people relied on road signs to navigate on the road. Although this is not the most reliable form of navigation as some of the signboards are faded or in a bad position, some people still look out for road signs these days.


Trial and error

navigation then vs. now

Photo via YouTube

For those of you who can relate to this, it is quite frustrating when you take the wrong exit or go on the wrong highway. At least you won’t make the same mistake twice.


Asking for directions

navigation then vs. now

Photo via

Have you ever heard of the saying, “What is it with men and asking for directions?”

Put your hands up if you still do this. Ask and you shall receive! You will be surprised to know that many people still do that today.  


Car GPS navigation system

navigation then vs. now

Photo via

And finally, we have the good old fashion car GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation system.

This network incorporates a range of satellites that use microwave signals that are transmitted to GPS devices to give information on location, vehicle speed, time and direction. It was only introduced to the market much later when technology was more advanced. This navigation system requires you to key in an address or a landmark, which will then show you the direction assisted by a voice when you are approaching a turnoff.

Always remember that safety’s first. So, it is okay to miss a turn and take the long way than risk yourself getting into an accident.

Stay safe on the road, guys!


by Rayelene Chin