Extreme Fear Of Eyes Exists, It's Called Ommetaphobia!

We’ve heard of claustrophobia, fear of enclosed spaces; Acrophobia, fear of heights and Pteromerhanophobia, fear of flying… but what about someone who is totally afraid of eyes?

Yes, it exists! Ommetaphoboa describes an extreme fear of eyes and like any other phobias, this type of fear can be strong enough to interfere with a person’s daily routine and social activities, while also being considered irrational because of the lack of any “real” danger.

extreme fear of eyes exists, it's called ommetaphobia!Photo via Hello Sehat

To cope with ommetaphobia, you must first identify the underlying cause of it. Coping strategies combined with therapies and possible medications can also help!

According to Healthline, a phobia over eyes is likely linked to a negative past experience that involved eyes in some way, thus certain situations that involve eyes could very well trigger this type of phobia. 


You may panic and feel as if you’re “losing control.” symptoms can always show up like:

  1. Sweating

  2. Increased heart rate

  3. Dizziness

  4. Rapid breathing or shortness of breath

  5. Shaking

  6. Nausea

  7. Dry mouth

  8. Muscle tension

  9. Feelings of paralysis, in which you can’t move or speak

How to cope

While professional treatments can help address ommetaphobia, these approaches are designed to help you over the long term. It’s important to be patient and consistent with your treatment!

  1. Practice mindfulness

  2. Consider daily exercises

  3. Reach out to loved ones

But if a fear of eyes is interfering with your ability to work, run errands or socialie, it may be time to get a referral for a mental health professional from your doctor!

Remember, no matter how “irrational” it may be, ommetaphobia is very real to those who struggle with it, so remember to always be compassionate and kind!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat