Time passes differently during Work from Home (WFH). For many, it is an isolating experience. Time seems to creep by at a snail-like pace. Work remains work but you no longer get the daily joys of stolen chit chats and gossip sessions with your colleagues.
Pictured: A really cute octopus plush toy our boss gave us on the last day of working from office (21st October 2020)
However, if there’s anything the first MCO and WFH experience has taught us, it is little mindfulness moments that we can take to turn that frown upside down. Be it our favourite morning drink or this article, our excuse to have a photoshoot with a plush toy.

But it gets a little too quiet alone at home at times. Like many of you, we moved out and crossed state lines to look for opportunities in the big city, Kuala Lumpur. So as we looked towards the office for one last time (who knows when this WFH will end?) we turned to SYOKcasts.

We love playing SYOKcasts in the background as we work because the friendly banter between hosts and / or guests remind us of our chats with colleagues in the office.
So here are some SYOKcasts which may brighten your days at home.
1. That 20’s Show with Keanu Azman
Keanu Azman is one of the friendliest people around and he really understands the millennial experience. Many of us feel lost during our 20s, it’s a really big shift from student life to working life. Keanu Azman taps into this and his discussions with celebrities that have survived their 20s or are finding ways to thrive through their 20s makes us feel like we’re talking and sharing advice with friends on how to navigate adulthood.
2. The C Word with Calista
Look, we get it, if social media has taken over your life the same way it has taken over ours during this crazy ride of a year, Calista has your back. Have you ever wondered what life is like for your favourite YouTubers, Instagrammers and TikTokers? Well Callista dives deep into exploring the world of content creating with creators such as Mark O’dea, Adam Shamil and Hani Fadzil. We can’t wait to see who else she’ll talk to next!
3. The Rockstar’s Guide
Have you been singing very loudly and very off-key a bit too much at home? Have you convinced yourself that you have the chops to become a singer? Check out The Rockstar’s Guide to learn what it takes to make it in the Malaysian music industry.
4. Clever Aunties with Shaz & Anu
If unlike us, you’re living at home with your parents and you’re tired of hearing your mom nag about housework and her aching back, this is one that your parents may enjoy. Turn this on for your parents so that they too may laugh with the clever aunties over similar experiences that come with growing old. Of course, these aunties are very cool and very funny so playing this at home is a win-win, wholesome entertainment for the whole family.
We hope that these SYOKcasts bring some joy and laughter to your household during this WFH period.
Stay safe, stay at home everyone!
By: Catalina Hubbard