5 Facts About Valentine’s Day You Didn’t Need To Know

It’s Valentine’s Day today (February 14th)!

And although Malaysia doesn’t officially observe this day, people here do still celebrate it with a loved one.

So whether you’re celebrating it or not, here are 5 facts about Valentine’s Day you don’t actually need to know but we’re gonna give them to you anyway…

5 facts about valentine’s day you didn’t need to know

Photo via Prevention.com

1. Valentine’s Day started as a form of rebellion

The most popular theory about Valentine’s Day origin is that Emperor Claudius II didn’t want Roman men to marry during wartime.

Saint Valentine went against his wishes and performed secret weddings, which means this day was originally founded on an act of rebellion.

2. Nearly three-quarters of men will buy flowers on Valentine’s Day

While it is hardly surprising that more men buy flowers on Valentine’s Day than women, it may shock you to learn just how many men pick up a bouquet. Around 73% of men will buy flowers on the big day while just over one quarter (27%) of women will do the same.

3. Women buy most of Valentine’s gifts – even the ones for themselves!

Want to make sure you get what you want this Valentine’s? Then buy it yourself apparently! A massive 85% of ALL gifts for Valentine’s Day are bought by women which means a lot of us are picking up our own treats. Well, it beats getting lumbered with a tacky ornament we don’t like!

4. Teachers receive the most Valentine’s Day cards

Valentine’s cards are big news for those of school age but surprisingly it is teachers, not pupils, who stand to benefit the most. Teachers generally receive the largest number of Valentine’s Day cards with children, mothers, wives, and pets (yes, pets) filling the rest of the top five recipient’s list.

5. You don’t have to be lovers to celebrate Valentine’s Day

While Valentine’s Day is most commonly associated with lovers and couples, that doesn’t mean singletons can’t celebrate the occasion too! In fact, one country has gone as far as to transform the occasion into “Friend’s Day” instead! On February 14th, Finland celebrates Ystavanpaiva which is translated as ‘Friends Day’. Forget the romantic undertones – gifts and cards are given and received but by friends rather than lovers.

We like that last one best! Happy Valentine’s Day!


by Kyle Roshen Jacob