It’s only the third week of 2021, and we’re sure you’ll agree that A LOT has already happened!
And we’re sure many of you think the year is off to a rocky start…
Well, it’ll be reassuring for you to know that you’re not alone!

Snap Inc. recently released its findings on how Snapchatters feel about bidding farewell to 2020 and their hopes and plans for the year ahead, in a survey that covered more than 7,300 respondents across 17 countries, including Malaysia.
According to the survey, although most Malaysians (56%) were looking forward to having a new beginning in 2021, the remaining respondents (44%) expressed that they are not sure or aren't seeing the beginning of 2021 as a "fresh start".
With that in mind, here are the key findings from the survey:
Resolutions for the New Year
As the year drew to a close, many Snapchatters started thinking about the changes they wanted to make in 2021.
58% of Malaysian Snapchatters expressed that they make New Year resolutions, with ‘wellness’ being their top priority for 2021.

Malaysian Snapchatters topped all other countries surveyed, with the highest majority citing exercising more (71%) and eating healthier (63%) as their main goals of the year.
57% of Snapchatters also revealed that they plan to learn something new in 2021, while 48% said they plan on practicing mindfulness this year.
Plans for the Future
Along with new resolutions, Snapchatters are hoping for a return to normalcy in 2021.
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a new appreciation for community and spending quality time with loved ones among Snapchatters, and this deep need for connection will likely be a defining characteristic of the generation for years to come.
The COVID-19 Vaccine
Overwhelmingly, Snapchatters around the globe, including 53% of Malaysians, state that they are looking forward to having a vaccine available for COVID-19.

While we don’t know exactly what the new year will bring, Snapchatters are approaching 2021 with measured optimism, purpose, and hope for the future.
We’re all in this together! Stay safe, everyone!
by Kyle Roshen Jacob